The Study of Plants Series

"Growing up in Vermont on 20 acres gave me a childhood filled with nature. I would sit and study the tiniest to the largest plants and flowers. I would collect bright fall leaves and give them to people because I thought they were just the most beautiful thing to look at, even if the receiver wasn't all that impressed. I would dissect grass and other plant life to see how it was put together and once I felt like I had a good understanding I wouldn't pick them again. My love of nature never left me as an adult but living in the city for most of my life left me craving it. When I moved back to Vermont in 2020 my fascination with studying plants and flowers grew as I was now back in the environment where it was plentiful and vibrant.
The Study of Plants Series is a group of artworks that include my love of science and the natural world, focusing on the simple and often overlooked beauty of nature. In this series I can zoom in and study the magical world of nature, evolution and the life cycle." - Erica Putis
The Study of Plants Series is a group of artworks that include my love of science and the natural world, focusing on the simple and often overlooked beauty of nature. In this series I can zoom in and study the magical world of nature, evolution and the life cycle." - Erica Putis