Natural Destruction Series
"I grew up in Vermont and am a nature girl at heart. I am totally fascinated and terrified of natural destruction. In our current state of affairs due to climate change these beautiful but scary phenomena will continue to increase with frequency and strength. I am continuously amazed at Mother Nature and how we lack control over her. Watching the weather channel, confronting my phobia of tornadoes and studying science and geology in my spare time has inspired this series." - Erica Putis
Erica has based two more series on human’s relationship with nature. Check out the next series in this story we are all a part of called, “Man Made Destruction” (2nd series) and “Finding a New Future” (3rd series).
Erica has based two more series on human’s relationship with nature. Check out the next series in this story we are all a part of called, “Man Made Destruction” (2nd series) and “Finding a New Future” (3rd series).